Watford Get Active
Supporting you to lead an active lifestyle
on behalf of Watford Borough Council

Fit, Fed and Read
Hertfordshire’s Fit, Fed and Read programme, being rolled out across the school summer holidays, is aimed at countering the triple inequalities of holiday hunger, social isolation and physical inactivity amongst some of the county’s most disadvantaged young people.
Fit and Fed is a national StreetGames UK project and the Hertfordshire version is held at local fire stations – and includes sessions delivered by the Hertfordshire Library Service, and food provided by Herts Catering Ltd – the main supplier of school meals to the area’s schools.
The days include FREE fun activities for children over the Summer holidays. With a focus on healthy eating, sport & physical activity and improved literacy for children in need aged 7-12 and includes a nutritious two course meal every day.
Find out more information about the Fit, Fed and Read programme on the Herts Sports Partnership website.